
Roots Arbor Care is a small, family-owned and operated tree care company, serving the Roanoke Valley. We specialize in technical tree removals and pruning.

When you call us, an ISA Certified Arborist answers the phone to speak with you about your tree care and concerns.

When we perform your tree care or tree removal, our methods and planning are a reflection of our experience and thoughtful care for your yard. We tailor the equipment and methods used to best suit your space, and leave everything in great shape. Our reputation precedes us - check out our Google reviews to see what it’s like to be our client!

Unsure of what your trees need? Book a consultation with an ISA Certified Arborist! We’ll spend time walking your property with you, answering your questions, and giving you options for the care and maintenance of your valuable tree canopy.

Our estimates are free - but the peace of mind from working with professionals is priceless.